Not A day for Grace

Last Update: December 13, 2010

Gracie is my youngest pup. ( Far left)

She tested for her CGC and TDI certifications yesterday.

The Canine Good Citizen (CGC) is an AKC certification that says she has good manners.  She was able to pass this.  The TDI (Therapy Dog International) certification is mostly all the same stuff but is much more stringent.

Gracie crashed and burned on this one.  She just would not keep her feet on the ground when the evaluator came up to greet her.  If a nursing home resident tried this she would have knocked him/her over.  So, no TDI for Gracie.

We'll retest in January.  Until then, remedial training.  2 steps back and drill, drill, drill.  Gotta love dogs. They provide unlimited practice in patience.


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Fallulah Premium
I Love Grace [lol]!
"Gotta love dogs. They provide unlimited practice in patience."

This goes for kids also!
Labman_1 Premium
Wes, I knew you would like that title. I fully expected your response too. Thanks for not disappointing.
WRI Premium
Every day is a day for grace, yet we all must see where grace fits. Be blessed Labman.