Online Opportunity?

Last Update: November 30, 2010

Grrr. I got logged out 1/2 way through this post last time.

I've been working on a new product that I saw on TV.
Yup, I watch the idiot box.  But since I have been here at WA I watch with a different perspective.

So this new show highlights leading edge technology stuff.
With my engineering background I find most of this stuff utterly fascinating.
One of the products falls into the Evergreen niches. (Health)
I did a quick search for the product.  No luck.
Chased the show angle and found a way to locate the product.
Finally was able to locate the product manufacturer.  Whew, I'm guessing they haven't heard of SEO because the convoluted path to them was extensive.

I contacted them via e-mail and asked about the product.
Its so new that it isn't certified in the US yet.  FDA needs to do an approval which is underway but not yet completed. It is available for you folks North of the Border, (eh?) Love the product love the price point but their are some significant hurdles to promote it online.  The show stopper is that it needs to be demonstrated by a certified professional before it can be sold.  So online is out.  There is a related product that may have potential and is a bit more complete.  Time to research this niche for its potential.

Now another hurdle, the company doesn't have an affiliate program.  They do have a way to order online but currently no affiliate program exists.  I indicated that I may be able to help with that but I'm not sure how to go about it.  Should I hook them up with Linkshare or Share-a-sale?  I would love to hear from someone that has some experience with this aspect of online marketing.  The sales person would love to set something up but doesn't know how this works.

I would love to take on the job of setting this up but don't know how I would go about charging for this.  Any ideas?

PM me or post a reply if you have a way for me to capitalize on this opportunity.



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Labman_1 Premium
That is exactly what I did yesterday. We'll see how it pans out.
robert2704 Premium
Sounds like their interested in getting hooked up. I would let their departments deal with the process. I would just let them know some of the networks you work with. They all offer support for merchants and educate them on what they have to do to get the wheels in motion. You can't set it up for them. Just tell them where to go for more information be it Commission Junction,share-a-sale or any other. Email them the info and leave your contact info with them and just say if they decide to open up for others to assist in driving business in their direction to get back to you when they have incentives in place to do so.
WRI Premium
HUH? After all that non guru talk ? huh? you still tune in? huh? Free your brain turn off the tube.Toss it out the window donate it to goodwill, what ever but for god sake free yourself man.