Page Rank

Last Update: February 04, 2011

I was doing research again.  Who could have guessed that I'm now doing research and not surfing.  Looks the same to my wife but I really am working.

Came across this link that looks at Google Page rank and how it works.

It's kind of a pain to get the ultimate benefit from this. With all the changes it may not be current ( originally created in 2002).  It does give you a feel for what you can do to increase your page rank.  Looks pretty much like statistics.

Google Page Rank whitepaper 

Seems Jay might know what he's talking about.  As if any of us had any doubt.

 Put on your thinking caps folks.  This one will fill up your brain.

 Craig H.

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You're right! Mind blowing stuff there! Can I borrow your thinking cap too (to figure some of it out)? ha ha