Phase 1 complete

Last Update: June 02, 2011

Well my life is going to be complicated for the next few weeks.

Tonight, Phase 1 complete.  My daughter just graduated with an RN.

Next( we hope) is a new Grandchild(due in 2 weeks) then with any luck a wedding.  Now, the wedding is going to happen on the 18th come hell or high water but the delivery date 3 days earlier may be a bit challenging.

 Contractions have already started but as any parent knows that doesn't mean things are ready yet.

 At least all of this is happening to two of my kids and not the same one.

 Wish me luck, I think I'll go crazy before all this is over.

 Craig H.

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saytue_sayewhat Premium
yep, that's a lot on your plate.... take it all in.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thinking of you Craig and saying my prayers for a perfect happy outcome.
muskyblood Premium
Best of luck with your crazy busy month ahead Craig!
burntout Premium
My deepest sypathy in this time of deep unrest... I hope you survive it! :)
The joy of future generations. With two married daughters and 7 grandchildren I can relate. May it all go well for you and them.