
Last Update: January 06, 2011

I've been playing around with getting my site ranked. The top 20 sites all have 5 to 10 years and PR of between 2 and 4 so they might be a bit difficult to beat but TT says it is easy so I'll see what happens.

Since it has been stuck at #20 for a couple of days I wondered what simple things I might try to get it pushed up a bit while I'm waiting for my articles to be approved.

Already pinged the main page, even pinged a couple of the other pages.  All of these seem to be indexed.  So, I went over to Google Webmaster tools and entered the site into this.  Added the sitemap to the webmaster tools too.  Lets see if that helps.

Then I went over to Traffic Travis (free version) and checked the SEOtools section for my search term.  Well it found a title with the search term but didn't have a meta tag or h1 tag.  Hmmm,  I put all that stuff into the All in one SEO pack but it doesn't seem to be enough.  OK, lets manually add it to the page.  

Went to appearance and edit.  Went into the Header section and added the meta description and author name etc.  Saved the file.

Then I went to my main page and entered the open and close h1 html around the title I had.  I wasn't sure that the Title section of Wordpress accepted html code but I thought I would give it a try.  Updated the page and yup, the title case changed and the html didn't show up.  So, with all of this done I expect that in a few hours or by tomorrow at least, when I check my site ranking in TT it will have a few more green checks.

Don't know yet if it will improve my rankings but it can't hurt.

I'll keep you posted.

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Hazie Premium
Very helpful blog post. Thanks, Labman. I would add to suggestions to try out some of the ranking and traffic building contractors at fiverr.com. You pay $5 and they do something specific for you, like expand your directory listings. I've gotten some good help -- some ringers, but not many. Good luck!
DABK Premium
Join some high pr forums, mention your site in the profile.
Write 10 articles, publish in at least 10 directories.
Write blog post comments.
Bookmark your site.
Ping everything.
Post new content.
klrrider Premium
Download Comment Kahuna and go get some backlinks for your chosen keywords... its free and works well. Go after the highest pr you can find... be sure to read their manual first... a quick read.