Scarey tactics just in time for Halloween

Last Update: October 30, 2010

There is a nasty group of Lawyers out on the web that are causing a bit of an uproar.  The group is called Righthaven and the issue is copyright trolling.

What they are doing is finding well distributed news articles and/or Blog posts that are widely read.  Then they aquire the copyright for this item and litigate the distributors of the content.

They don't just attack the content but try to get courts to seize the domain of the so called offender.  

To read more

 The EFF will assist anyone that finds themselves on the wrong side of this underhanded legal practice.  

 They have also put together a legal page  for those of you that are interested.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for this. I'll read it. Don't they have to prove authorship? They just slap a copyright notice on it? They're going to end up in jail. Sound like dumb lawyers to me.