
Last Update: May 03, 2011

I'm still sandbagged with Google.  Yup, I appear to be hanging out on Page 70.  But I keep making sales, and the traffic hasn't gone to Zero like I expect when languishing in the doldrums.  So, I said to myself, self, where is the traffic coming from.  It is nowhere near what I was seeing when on Page 1 but I'm getting a steady 10 hits a week.  So I was curious as to what is going on.

 I sat down and decided to figure out where my traffic was coming from.

SA is a big one but this still doesn't explain it.

Then I noticed that I'm ranking #1.  Yes, #1.  It isn't Google but hey #1 on a search engine is a good thing.  Even if Yahoo doesn't get the search volume that Google gets, there is still some significant traffic there.

 So, don't put all of your eggs in one basket.  There are other search engines out there that haven't Sandbagged ( I know its sandboxed) everyone.

 Craig H.

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DABK Premium
You have analytics on? It will tell you what keywords people find you by. Then you can go see where you rank in Google for those keywords. If Google keeps you at 70 for one keyword doesn't mean you can't be #1 for some other, random, keyword. Usually these are keywords with a lot less traffic. But if you're on page #1 for 20 keywords that each only gets 210 exact searches, it does add up.
Cwillard77 Premium
Awesome, I have.had a yahoo acct for 9 years.i hadnt thought about searching their. Great job and inspiring actions.