The Laptop Thief

Last Update: March 18, 2011

I subscribe to a bit of dog stuff. (Who knew)

I thought you might enjoy a moment of fun.

The Laptop Thief 

These are some trainers that are doing protection training.

They are highly trained professionals

Don't try this at home.

The  training is called bite work, you may notice that the subject is heavily padded in special (very expensive) gear.

Oh, and the laptop doesn't survive.



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Labman_1 Premium
Labman on the android. Hmmm. Looks like Pacman to me.
Behealthy Premium
Side tracking for a moment, did you know there is an android app named after you?
Pounders Premium
Glad he was wearing that protective gear! He's certainly an experienced trainer! No way am I trying this at home! haha