Tracking Bug

Last Update: March 11, 2011

Once upon a time I released a little stuffed bear.

His name was Nikki Bear III and he had a tag wrapped around his neck with a tracking bug.  Well this little fellow bumped around Western NY for a bit.

Each time he visited a geocache his location was logged.  Then he decided the Great White North wasn't for him and he took a short trip across the country to the beautiful state of California.

Wanderlust was upon him and after a short stay at LAX he decided to visit the little Island of Hawaii.  But even this was not enough.  He did enjoy the visit but needed to travel.  Next stop Australia.

Finally, he has decided to stomp around Tazmania for a bit.

Nikki Bear has logged 11,509.1 miles

No idea what I'm talking about?  The best little Treasure Hunt in the world.

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tonylen Premium
Can Nikki write a blog? This was an interesting diversion. I needed a break and learned something new.