Video more important than ever

Last Update: February 27, 2011

So, it looks like there was a bit of a todo over at Google on Thursday.

Content farms took a serious hit in the search rankings.  Most of our favorites came out badly,  Ezine got pasted.  Hubpages was right behind, Squidoo, yup them too.  People are quaking in their shoes over this Algorithm change.

 So who came out smelling like a rose?  You Tube.  Which brings me to my point.

Leverage Your Marketing & Traffic with Video

Jay's at it again with a new presentation on  Video.. I'm wondering if the big boys in this place have a magic crystal ball. 

Seems like a timely WAbinar.

 Make sure you sign up for this one!


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iw99 Premium
signed up for it but I'll have to watch the replay tomorrow as I need to work at one of my jobs tonight
onefineham Premium
We shouldn't be surprized Google didn't paste YouTube considering Google owns them.
jatdebeaune Premium
I'll be there!
Pounders Premium
I sure dont plan to miss this wabinar! Google hit them all HARD this past week.
Robg1 Premium
Yes! I am looking forward to this one!