What a weekend

Last Update: July 19, 2011

I really tried to leave IM behind for the weekend.  I wasn't on here, really I wasn't

I couldn't do it.

 It seems I'm an addict.  Or I've got this stuff under my skin.

My younger brother's class reunion was last weekend.  He was only a year back so most of my friends showed up.  Many of them I haven't seen since graduation and many others I have been conversing with on FB but haven't actually seen them for well, probably longer than some of you have been alive.

 So, all of my articles on SA get posted to FB and this was a wonderful chance to get feedback on my articles from people that are interested, and actually read the whole articles.  One other dog trainer said that she hopes I keep up the information that is coming as she learns quite a bit from my articles.  What a wonderful feedback.  ( Sound of me patting myself on the back).

One person also said that some of my articles were too technical.  Hey, I'm an Engineer, technical happens.  I'm going to try to keep the techie stuff under wraps so I don't loose my audience.  Also good feedback.

I ran across one friend that has written a book (There's no such thing as Public Speaking).  Gonna have to promote this for them.  So far they are as busy as they wish to be with only word of mouth advertising.  It will be interesting to try to balance their need to succeed without overwhelming their time( they also do presentations to businesses and political entities)

Another friend has a small sea glass jewelry business.  She'll be getting a WP site in the near future.  Another one who doesn't want to be overwhelmed.  I suspect I will be talking outsourcing with her in the future.

 All in all a wonderful weekend with old friends and amazing possibilities.

I really didn't want to do IM, it just happens.

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Jamie Smith Premium
Yes, it is great to have you in the WA family! IM addicts welcome
jatdebeaune Premium
You're a method IM'er. You've become your craft. Congratulations!
sherbet penny Premium
IM addict, time to stand up and addmit your problem :-)