
Last Update: August 18, 2011

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been around much.  I try to stop and check in each day but haven't been able to spend much time here. 

Why you ask?  Welll..... I'm not unemployed anymore.

I'm trying not to rub it in as I know more than a few of you are where I was last year.  Savor this time and focus on IM.  Working for someone else is a fools errand unless you love the work.

 I do mostly like the challenge of this job as I'm constantly at the edge of technology and get to see and do some really cool stuff.

This week I FINALLY shipped a machine ( actually a pair of them).  And I've only put in 50 hours this week doing it. ( Yes, it is only Thursday).  These machines print the watermark on Corelware.  Not very exciting until you realize that this does it 2 times per second.  Lots of plates.

This leaves little time to write or develop websites but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

On another note, I had to go on a buying spree.  Or to rephrase that, IM research.

Yup, I changed SAR teams and the old team took all their equipment back.  Soooo... I had to replace all the toys that I use to help train dogs and find my way in the woods.  I have new toys but mostly I have new ideas for IM promotions.  Now when I look around my room I have more stuff to see and I have already done the due diligence to understand the pluses and minuses of the equipment.  This puts me in a really good place to review several items all with Affiliate programs.  Can't wait to get some time to go to work.

 Hi, my name is Craig and I'm an addict.

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Sherion Premium
We are all addicts Craig I am glad you finally owned up to it. he he he