So Does the Early Bird Really Get the Worm?

Last Update: March 26, 2010

Good morning WA affiliates,

This early bird is up just a little bit early....4:00 A.M.  Ya think.  Anyway, got up excited and ready to chomp on some worms (i.e. WA material, visuals, etc.) in order to make the most of every opportunity to learn.  This is a new and fresh opportunity, and I intend to do everything I can to maximize my time and make it an exceptional experience.  However, even with my excitement I know that I must, as must we all, keep ALLof life in perspective, and for me it is God first at the onset of my day (prayer and reading the Word), and everything else following.  For me, this makes for a GREAT START!

Well enough said, except may Godspeed your way to Internet success today!

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