Why Palms Are So Special

Last Update: March 28, 2010

Want to know why PALMS are so special to me?  They are a reminder to me of the very first Palm Sunday or Day of Palms that took place over 2,000 years ago, and here is a brief idea of what happened?

Jesus, my precious Lord, went riding into Jerusalem on a DONKEY...and yes, even though He was the REGAL and ROYAL Son of God. Yet, His purpose at that time was not to ride in with POMP and POWER as a KING, but as the Father's HUMBLE SERVANT sent on divine assignment.

Nevertheless, the people gloriously greeted Jesus upon His entrance, waving palm branches and casting them down before His feet, extolling and lavishing Him with great praise, saying "Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest, that is, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.  See there were many that day who could see that Jesus truly was a king and hailed Him as such.

So as you can see the Palm for me is a symbol of worship bestowed upon the King of all kings! It is forever a reminder of Jesus', yes truly TRIUMPHAL entry, and served to mark only the beginning of what would later prove to be a GREAT VICTORY through His glorious RESURRECTION.

Finally, I likewise, envision myself waving palms of victory in my hands and casting them at Jesus' feet at His TRIUMPHANT RETURN (as do many of you)!  So folks as you can see, that is why Palms are so special to me!

Happy Palm Sunday to all, and to all a good day and night!

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