Contemplation while on the train

Last Update: August 19, 2011

So here I am sitting on the train going home from London to North Wales aftern another week working for the Man! 

 Up very early this morning so used the time well and listened and watched the webanair recording bout generating traffic from about a week ago. 

 I have just had a moment of clarity, as I sit working, the IM process is not complicated and if I create a simple , clear program of action then success, big or small, is bound to come.  

I think the key is keeping it simple and using the six P's principle. For those who don't know the six P's principle is Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance... Sorry for the bad language but I learnt this from the army. 

 The nice thing is that is exactly what WA is all about .. Clearing the clutter and focusing on what works... Oooooo today is a good day to succeed. 

 The other thing I realize is that you get more from giving than from taking so my content wrting stylenhas changed and I have seen an increase in traffic and interest almost immediately. So cool. 

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