Off line experiences helping on line sucess

Last Update: August 17, 2011

 I have been working in a large commercial organisation for over 15 years as a business, change management and process improvement consultant. In that time I have run a lot of projects for both internal and external clients. 

I wanted to ask myself the question - Are there any skills and experiences I can use in my IM business?? 

I am still not sure If they cross over or not... so what I am going to do is run my projects as I would offline and see if it makes a big difference to my results and post them to WA.. 

If any one is interested in what I am doing then let me know and I will explain further ...


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RealityCheck Premium
So far it looks like you are doing everything according to plan. Keep up the good work Labman!
Labman_1 Premium
Sounds like a good course of action. Use your strengths to enhance your online image. Who knows, you might just find an audience hungry for your skills. I'd love to hear more, PM me.