Major YouTube Announcement

Last Update: August 16, 2012
For everyone that uses YouTube they just made a major announcement on Twitter.

And that is they have just made all Tags for videos only visible to the publisher of the video. This may not seem like a big deal but it is, plus it will make YouTube a lot better in the long run.

You see one of the steps people use to do to get their videos more views and increase the chances of getting to the top of the searches was to find a video which was already at the top of the SERP's within the listing they wanted to be in and then simply copy that videos tags.

Using this little trick helped increase the chances of the crappiest videos (content) on the planet to get into the top of the YouTube SERP's.

With this change publishers will have to do their own keyword research thus ensuring only the top quality content flourishes on YouTube.

You knew this was going to happen Google made changes to their algorithm to improve search quality and since Google owns You Tube it was inevitable for it to happen there too.

Good on the YouTube Creative Team!!


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clouiter Premium
Thanks for the info.
Adrian66 Premium
Welldone and thanks for all the info Leo, it's great to be aware of any changes like this, thanks again, Adrian:))
muskyblood Premium
Nice! Clears the slackers outa there for us :)
Divine23 Premium
Thanks for the info..I'll do it and try...great!
veronica.l Premium
Quality content in your description, will rank your videos. Not really sure how much the tags really does for videos and articles. The videos with quality articles in the description seem to rank better than the videos with no or short description. Just my experience. :)

What is your thought on this?
Thanks for the update,
leoemery Premium
Hey Veronica,

You're right a quality description is very important to ranking a video, when done correctly.

But like all SEO it's usually not just one thing - it's a combination of many little things that contribute to the successful ranking of a video, article or website.

And one of these little things are tags which plays a role in the overall ranking of a video.

Thank you so much for your comment.

veronica.l Premium
Hi Leo,

I agree, title, description,tags, comments, views, captions....
It all place a role in your video rankings,