What Is Your Intention?

Last Update: July 16, 2012
What is your intention?

What do I mean?

Let me ask it another way, “What are you going to do today?

Let's say you have all the tools you need to build your business, you have the support and resources as well.

But you don't do anything or very little at best. What do you think your outcome will be?

Poor to say the least.

So what was your intention?

Obviously your intention was to do nothing.

Each day as your building your business or just living your day to day life you have the choice of what your intentions will be. And each one of your intentions will determine your destiny ... positively or negatively.

If you say to yourself "My intention today is to drive 100 visitors to my website" and you take the action to do that.

How do you think your business will grow?

Each day you have the choice of what your intentions will be.

Let’s take losing weight. A hard task to accomplish, and let’s say your intention is to lose 30lbs. And in order to do that you need to eat right and exercise. Pretty straight forward, right?

Yeah we wish.

Anyone who is trying to lose weight is going to be tempted, there are foods out there I swear talk to you when you see them. Before you reach for that temptation ask yourself "what is my intention"

And the answer is "I am in the process of losing 30lbs" And because of that answer chances are you will not eat that donut, because that is not your intention.

If your intention is to build financial independence, you must do everything it takes to accomplish that goal, that is your intention. While on this journey of financial independence you will be tested... probably every day.

And when you are tested, ask yourself this question "Will doing this take me closer to my goal or farther away?"

If it's taking you in the wrong direction then that is not your intention. Now remind yourself what your intention is:

"I am in the process of creating my financial independence"

By simply asking yourself what your intention is before you act on anything will guarantee you'll stay on track towards your goals and absolutely skyrocket your success.

I believe in you
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Shawn Martin Premium
Do and will do. It is so easy to get sidetracked and not get anything done. Good post.
Little time and many ideas for blogs and websites......Which to decide on and build up?? I'll continue to watch clips and read everyones comments to set the mind on a few ideas and get going.
Very good point. I've never blogged or have ever built even one website. Hopefully I can learn all of this in ten days......
I think this site is sweet and was a very good idea. I'm starting with nothing and hoping to end with something.....
kyle Premium Plus
Awesome post. What are you doing today should be something that people consider far more often. More specifically, what are youd doing today to change your financial situation! Are you waiting for something to happen, if so...NOTHING WILL. Take initiative, take action and watch the success fall into place.
leoemery Premium
Thanks Kyle - as long as you take one positive step towards your goals each day you'll get to where you want to be - take more than one step each day and you'll get there faster!!
kyle Premium Plus
Absolutely. One step in the "right" direction every day will cumulatively lead to great success!
Same as above first time jumping in as well, must allow the time for reading in order to interact-but willing. NaturallYGO
Whats being said stands to reason, undoubtly an unaddressed question(s) would lead to questionable situations.
kyle Premium Plus
Great to have you here! Reading is a small component of success as most of your education will take place in the implementation stages. Make sure you take action on what you learn here and ASK questions if you ever need help.
What is this engine optimization your talking about? Yeah, I'm new to all of this with only some basic knowledge......
kyle Premium Plus
You will get the hang of this in due time. Read what we teach here and take action on it.