About Lilymag
Joined March 2008
Hi! My name is Kate. I am a 34 year old wife and mother of 4 girls (2 human, and 2 furballs as you can see!). Lilymag is my screen name, it is a combination of both my furry pals, Lily the boxer, and Maggie the dobie. They are truly part of our family (most people think we are crazy!) Sorry the pics are bad...I am still trying to figure this out.

I have been a stay at home mom for 9 months now. I have been trying to sell things on ebay to help with the money for the house but I really want to learn how to make more. I have been interested for some time in internet marketing and have purchased several ebooks, etc. All have been pretty much scams so far. I really hope this program can help me. We have a lot of debt and we need to get rid of it soon!

I am real excited about this...I have been spending all my spare time online studying the last 5 days...

Update 07/08/08:

Well, it has been a year now, since I have worked in an office! I have had my first sales, nothing consistent yet though...

I have had some changes in my life, Maggie has left our family... Long story short, she was inbred, and had to be put to sleep. The woman who bred her has lost her license to breed- Thank God, although I think more should be done to her, the horrible woman that she is. My Maggie never even had a chance at the wonderful life we could have given her because of this woman.

Murphy Brown has joined us, she is 5 months old now, and a pisser to say the least.

The baby is just starting to walk, needless to say, my time on the computer is becoming more and more difficult as the days go by.

I love to help people, I know I have a long way to go in this venture, but I am having a ball learning everything!

Right now I am concentrating on Bum Marketing, it isn't paying the bills yet, but I believe the more I learn, and the more I plug away at it, it will start to pay off!
Lilymag's Accomplishments

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evpstud Premium
Hi Kate, hope things are going well!
evpstud Premium
I'm going great. I just opened a brand new affiliate program with my partner. It's a recurring Clickbank product that pays really well. About a $45 commission for the first month and a little over $20 per month after that for each referral. It's a membership site and works much the same way as Wealthy Affiliate. Since it's new, there's still lots of room for affiliates to make money. Take a look at http://www.equitymillions.com/affiliates/
lilymag Premium
I have been well, how about yourself??
lilymag Premium
Thanks, already looked, my plate is full right now, but I will definitely consider it in the future!
lilymag Premium
Thank you!
glowinggal Premium
so sorry to hear about Maggie =[ great on your first sale -that's where it starts! Hang in there. You are in North Country NY? We are upstate - about half an hour west of Binghamton, an hour south of Syracuse, NY
TJ Books Premium
Hi, Lillymag! Just trying to meet more members. I see that you are a busy mom with some fun dogs. I love that breed but I have never owned one. We don't have a dog now but my son here in Idaho is a vet so we do see lots of critters. I'm too old to get another dog. I don't want to leave an orphan. I thought your update was interesting. I joined in late May so you have been here a lot longer than me, but you have stuck with it. You made a good decision to come to the place where you can Learn to Earn. I have written several tutorials that may help you get the most out of WA. If you go to the Share Zone and put TJ Books in the search box, they will pop up for you. Good luck and hang in there! Cute baby.
John (TJ Books)
TJ Books Premium
Yes, few dogs snap at him. Now as for cats!
lilymag Premium
Thanks for visiting my profile and leaving the great note! I do love my girls! They are great, I don't think I would have another breed, they have been so wonderful with me and with the kids...Just great companions and so playful! Your son has the best job in the world!!! I would love to be a vet...I'm sure he gets non stop lovin' all day from his "patients"!
gigi Premium
Hello Kate! I'm new and really enjoying meeting new people here at WA! I wish you well with your ventures as I know how hard it is to overcome debt. That's what I'm doing now, only a few thousand to go and we will hopefully be able to buy a house that isn't on wheels! (I'm living in my RV while travel nursing to earn money faster). I'm giving you WA gold, but wish it could be real gold for you! Hang in there, I'm sure we all can do well here in time! -- Oh, also wanted to say how much I love your pics. I have 5 furry children of my own, as well as 2 grown daughters and 2 granddaughters. GOTTA LOVE 'EM!
gigi Premium
Small world! Isn't surgery the craziest place!? I've really been blessed with my new hubbie. We're friends and he's very independent; even takes care of me when I'm home! Just lovin' it! Looking forward to less stress in the future!
gigi Premium
Your welcome! And you're right about the interruptions. Believe me, when they're gone...they're gone!
gigi Premium
Did your article really "frig"!? LOL! At least you're writing! I'm still trying to figure out what to write about. My time comes in "spurts" (as do most of us newbies, I bet), so it makes it a little harder to keep momentum. I think it's great that you have an article! What's it about? Did you use the article tool? I can't imagine how that thing would work. Can't wait to have a crack at it!
lilymag Premium
Gigi- Welcome! I bet there are quite a few of us with a medical background here! I used to be a surgery scheduler, and billing coordinator for an OB/GYN. I loved it, unfortunately I too was divorced, and remarried. My current husband lived 1-1/2 hrs away from my office, needless to say the job went, not the husband!

Hopefully we can help each other out here!
lilymag Premium
It will happen for us one day! Congratulations on your angel of a husband...must be the second time is a charm! (same with me!) I am certainly enjoying staying home now as well, although I do wish I had a little more uninterrupted time on the computer! ( although it is worth every interruption just to see how the little one is growing every day!)
lilymag Premium
Thanks for the gold!
lilymag Premium
I still haven't typed anything useful yet today! Took me all day yesterday just to type up one friggin' article! That is pathetic, but we gotta do, what we gotta do!
lilymag Premium
I have many articles, they just take forever to get done....I have used EzineArticles in the past, but now I use GoArticles, 3StepAds, HubPages, and Squidoo mostly. You are right...it is tough to keep the momentum going when we are working the way we are! Once I get going though, I don't like to get interrupted, and I can probably whip out about 5 in an hour.
sunshinegirl Premium
Did your poor baby have health issues cos some idiot thought they could bang 2 dogs together and breed without a care in the world? My heart goes out to you. Come visit my crazy dog blog! Cheers from Down Under
sunshinegirl Premium
Hey thanks for visiting and commenting on the doggie blog! That must have been simply awful :(
Where are you based btw?
lilymag Premium
She had severe learning and behavioral problems, when we dove further into her background to figure out why, that is when we found the inbreeding...but not before she bit a child. Thank god he was ok. That was the point the decision was made, unfortunately.
lilymag Premium
OMG! You just have too much energy! Love your blogs...and especially the dogs! They are gorgeous!
lilymag Premium
North Country, New York