Posts by Lisaf 4
Hey All!!   I am cleaning house!  I have so many older projects that have been sitting and I have decided that I am not going to get to them.  These lenses all have some age anywhere from 2009 to early 2010.  Most have likes and some traffic and make sales now and then -- especially around the holidays.   Make me an offer!  Here they are: http://www.squidoo
Hey Guys, I haven't been around much lately - so I wanted to stop in and say hi! Everyone is talking about the Google algo. change and some are "freaking out" and maybe I should be a little more concerned and pay attention to what is going on. to be honest..... I don't have time!  My sites and article rankings have NOT changed. My sales are up and I don't believe that Article Marketing is going anywhere. In fact, there are so many avenues you can take with your niche - that you d
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Do you feel like you have failed at internet marketing?  Step back and take a look at what you have done.  Have you written articles or even ONE article?  Started a PPC campaign?  Attempted to build a landing page?  Went through the Action Plan here at WA?  Built a Squidoo Lens?  If you answered yes to ANY of the questions above - then you have NOT failed! Many people think they have failed because they are not making money yet.  Don't give up!  The o
My first blog post and I am going to copy and paste from the forum!!!   I didd this a couple days ago and have had great response - so I wanted to share.  WARNING: THIS IS LONG!!! I don't blame you if you don't read it - but I believe if you are new - this is valuable information to get a head start. This is what I have struggled with and figured out over the past two years of trying to make Internet marketing work for me. #1 MINDSET You absolutely MUST have the right mindset