Getting The Most Out Of Your Niche

Last Update: March 08, 2011

Hey Guys,

I haven't been around much lately - so I wanted to stop in and say hi!

Everyone is talking about the Google algo. change and some are "freaking out" and maybe I should be a little more concerned and pay attention to what is going on.

to be honest.....

I don't have time!  My sites and article rankings have NOT changed. My sales are up and I don't believe that Article Marketing is going anywhere.

In fact, there are so many avenues you can take with your niche - that you don't even really need Google -  They are nice to have - but not a necessity!

Yes - I am going to catch slack for that one - I  am sure!

Check this out though - 

I am now hosting Webinars!  I am in the relationship niche and let me tell you - this is  FUN, EXCITING and the BEST thing I have done in my IM career!

You can do this in ANY niche that you know lots about and are excited about!

Step out of your comfort zone - go for it and make some money in the process!

If you have a list in the relationship niche and want to offer them some GREAT, FREE, FUN Info.  -  get in touch - these Webinars would be a great "FREE" bonus to any relationship product or a great way to keep your list responsive and alive!

Anyone who is interested in seeing how much fun this is and wants to learn a few relationship tips and tricks --

Can join our next Webinar Here:

 Anyway - my point is have FUN with your business, try new things, step out of your comfort zone -- 

The rewards are great!



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jatdebeaune Premium
That's great Lisa. I'd love to join your next webinar, not to have an ex back, but to have fun.