Parents Are Googling Shameful Things... Here's What!

Last Update: July 06, 2010

Oh my. I was doing some keyword research with google keyword tool and, as often, I just type the beginning of a sentence and see what people are searching so that I always end up with long tail keywords and pretty easily find good ones.

Anyway. Some of you know it, I'm (among other niches), targeting the parenting niche. Don't try to compete against me, I'm on top. lol ;)

So I was typing "my daughter is" to find what moms and dads are secretely wondering about their daughters. The searches that I found are:

"my daughter is dating a black guy"

"my daughter is dating a loser"

"my daughter is ugly"

"my daughter is a tramp"

While I was reading this I was saying out loud "Oh, please". Ok, I must admit the seach volume is pretty low but... still.

Parents.... sigh. lol

That's my weird discovery of the day. I'm not targeting these keywords of course, first because they have pretty low search volume and... I don't want to help these parents. lol. No, actually if the numbers were high, I would definitely make an awesome article to open their mind and give them... "solutions" (be tolerant and learn to communicate!!!!! for christ's sake...).

 That's it. I don't know if it's funny or depressing.

~ Louise


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maureenhannan Premium
Oh my! That is unsettling. And I thought it was weird yesterday when I found high traffic for the phrase "make money doing nothing" At least that was passive and not downright ugly.
Wootton Premium
Holy CRAP! I wonder what my mom would have googled when I was a kid. Like " My son is crazy" or" I think my son is on the dope because he skateboards" lol, good times.
Louise M. Premium
I so much agree with both of you.The lack of communication is so dangerous and sad. What a strange society we live in. Joan, the search volume you found on the "daughters' side" is pretty alarming. People don't have time or what? What are their priorities? You know, in this niche, I use a pen name of course and many parents are asking me for advices and I don't have kids you know, I just write about parenting with common sense and what I think is a "normal" and healthy communication. It's really sad, all these parents that need to go online to find "stuff" about their situation instead of speaking with their heart and love their children unconditionnaly. Anyway, I don't care if I lie about who I really am within that niche because I know that what I do can help parents change their own behavior in order to improve their relationship with their kids, and that's so important. Thx for your comments! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
The two that bother me the most are the last two. What kind of parent ever thinks their child is "ugly"? Can you just imagine putting that into Google?Or calling your child a tramp?I put in "my mother thinks i'm ugly" and came up with 3,060,000 searches, 605 quoted. Revealing.
mmorales Premium
It is both funny and depressing. You are absolutely right...communication is almost no exsistant among a lot of parents these days because ( imo) kids are too busy doing their thing and parents think that they are too busy to stay involved in their kids lives. Most parents dont even have a 5 minute conversation with their kids these days...what a shame.