About Luluday
Joined August 2009
I'm brand new here and following the Week One info which tells me I need to write something about myself. What to say?

WA sounds like a good place to be and learn. I've been providing basic computer support and doing things like brochures, business cards, posters, and even a couple of web sites for people in my little rural area. I like to proof read and edit. I've been looking for a way to generate more income without leaving home. I've looked at a lot of different 'opportunities'(?) and even signed up for a few, however this is the first one that feels like it's on the level. So here I am!

I'll keep reading and following the outlined steps to the best of my ability and see where that takes me. Looking forward to learning new skills and meeting new people.
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mbf09 Premium
Welcome aboard and I am certain you will enjpy yourself here just keep learning and put in to practice what you learn. The main thing is to take ACTION and you will see results. Dont forget to go to the Forum and introduce yourself and browse around a bit there is a lot of info there ask questions you will get answers.

Good Luck!

mbf09 Premium
Sure I would love to be your buddy and if you need any help I could help you and if not we'll find the answer together
luluday Premium
Thanks for the welcome Michel. I'll take your advice and get on the forum. I started a while ago and got interrupted so back I go. Inch by inch, it's gotta be a cinch. :-)
luluday Premium
Would you be my buddy Michel. I may need your help again one day. Besides friends are always nice to have.
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey luluday: How are you? You are totally right, WA is "the place" to learn IM. Did you start your 8 week action plan? Any question let me know, OK? Welcome to WA!
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey luluday: Thanks for your response. I think you are advancing so keep going daily. Remember, this is a process that it'll take some time but also it's up to you. Great words in your blog. I can see you are totally motivated...and understanding the game. Keep in touch and have a wonderful week end. :-)
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hi luluday: I suggest you to invite EVERYONE. Don't have considerations because life change every day and you never know. Have a great day!
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hi Sylvia: We are friends in Facebook now! I wish you a great week!
luluday Premium
I appreciate your warm welcome. Yes, I've started my 8 Week Plan and started squirreling away information that I'm not quite ready to take in just yet. I see you haven't used your Blog yet. I wanted to start on mine but couldn't get it to work. I can open the page but I can't type anything. I just did some cleaning and updating on my computer so I'm hoping that now it will work. I've also posted to a couple of forums looking for a solution to my problem. So far so good but I sure won't hesitate to ask if there's something that's got me stumped. Thanks for the hand of friendship.
luluday Premium
Hi! Thanks for your encouragement. I've added you to my buddy list. I've been busy today, among other things finding my first 15 article marketing keywords to promote WA. Actually found the exercise fun. I think I'm seeing some of the patterns and things I need to do. Not quite ready to start building my website or to decide what I want to write about first, but I really like the way the lessons lead me on and reinforce what I've been reading with the actions/exercises. Wish I could spend more time here!! However, life has other people and responsibilities too.

I see you've got your link on Facebook. I don't use facebook much. Found it to be too much of a time waster. However, if you don't mind I'm going to look for you there and see how and where you put your ID so WA will know if they get any referrals from you. That's probably something I should do. I also need to send more invites out to people I know that I think might be interested in doing this too. I've only sent 3 so far. I've talked to a couple of other friends who are interested so I'll send to them too. Am thinking I'll let my friends know what I'm doing and that they'll be getting the invite from me before I add them to my list here on WA.

I do appreciate your encouragement. I have an early morning tomorrow. Taking my Mom to church and I'm expecting company later in the day. Want to add to my blog but it might have to wait a little yet.


luluday Premium
Thanks for the good advice. I'm listening. ;-)