Posts by Macklc 10
December 31, 2010
    If anyone's reading this blog entry, I want to personally wish you a Happy New Year in 2011. Whether you did well or poorly last year, I want you to push that aside. The past is the past and you need to see what's happening now and the future. Today's the best time to make this year the best yet. Now here are some things I would like to share into the new year: 1) Believe you can do it, go after it and get it done. I may not know you, but I believe you'll m
October 25, 2010
I'm not getting enough sleep. I'm also not managing my time as well I want to, but I need to be ready. I must be ready with the changes coming next month. I got to stop being so... vague. More as it goes. If it sounds like I'm thinking as I type, you're probably right. How is everyone else doing?
October 21, 2010
I don't know if Marcus read my previous blog entry or not, but I'm in the article writing club. I look forward to this. Thanks Marcus! I haven't started on the action plan yet. It is something I got to do and move forward on. I'll finish the action plan first. I'm re-starting today. I have a blog at It's my personal blog. If you have time, check it out. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to do so. I'm excited, but don't want to over do it. I just
October 20, 2010
I'm trying to get into a habit of doing things here and there each day without any expectations. That doesn't mean I don't have a goal in mind. My goal is to study at least an hour a day and act on things I've studied for an hour as well. 50/50. Sounds familiar? I'm going to get through the action plan and finish it. I'm going to get through one of the accreditation courses and finish it. If Marcus is willing, I want to try the WA Club and follow him explicitly. This should be fun. My time sched
1 comment
October 19, 2010
Amazing. I don't know if I should feel bad or something. Anyways, I'm going to continue my way into working on something that will create some steady income streams. No more excuses. Many failures. Lots of learning. Hopefully help and good advice from people. And ultimately reach success and thank the people that got me through. I look forward to that day soon. Good! Just do it! Thanks Art.
March 14, 2010
What a weekend. While in the middle or work and teaching a class, I felt a tingling sensation in my throat. My first thought was, "Uh oh... am I going to be sick?" Sure enough as I was going home, it got worse. Soon my throat was really sore and my nose was like a faucet. Other than going to church, I was lying down to get some rest. But there were a few things that came to my mind and it had nothing to do with me being sick. When I was conscious and relatively attentive
March 10, 2010
I've been reviewing what I've learned so far. I'm just wondering which path I should take: article writing, squeeze pages, a blog or PPC (I think I'll do this definitely later). I'm sure there's a lot more ways to do IM, but I defnitely want to focus on one thing and put all my effort into it. What to do...
March 08, 2010
This was the last step I had to do in Lesson 2: Sending e-mails to family and friends. It was really uncomfortable. My biggest fear was that I may lose them because of this "sales letter". To ease this fear, I made each e-mail personal and related to their situation as closely as I can. It really made me think hard. If they join, I want them to be really successful here and live the life they want to live. I want to be accountable to them. Hopefuly they'll
March 08, 2010
I want to get moving quickly, but know that would be a mistake. I want to make sure I understand each step thoroughly and know it well. I'm glad I've made some progress today. :)
March 07, 2010
First day at The Wealthy Affiliate and first post. I had a chance to read through the first lesson of the Action Plan and need to review a few times. Just trying to keep things simple and follow through with the steps.