Posts by Manker521 5
June 15, 2010
I am one class away from graduating FINALLY!!!  I can't wait since this will free up the much needed time to get rolling again.  Starting at the bottom again is not something that I looked forward too but I know that once our space program was in the same place and they have been to the moon.  The bottom may be where I start but I know I will end up on the moon.  :)
April 20, 2010
So I started this journey a while back and have been able to have some great success.  Lately it seems that the time I have been able to put aside has gotten smaller.  I sat back for a bit and thought about it and realized that there are many things that are draining my time.  kids, job, school, life….which one could it be???   I decided that this called for a new set of eyes, so I decided to look at what would stop soon.  Kids….nope not going to stop soo
November 18, 2009
I had a great week or should I say a great week up to this point I am looking to always add.  I had a week total of 245.00.  this was one of the largest weeks of sales for me since I started.  It is all beginning to click...    :) 
October 28, 2009
So I just saw that I am set to get another check .... All I can say is WHOO HOO...  I have hit it hard  for this month and it has payed off.  All I have to say is if things are dragging or not going the way you want them too just stick with it and rethink what you have been doing,  I have the same products but I refined my ads and it worked.  I guess the year of Venture Capital sales payed off when it comes to sticking with something.  When things get bleak just pus
  Well I just received my first check and let me tell you that is great motivation to dig in even harder.  I want to thank everyone for posting great posts in the forums and Kyle and Carson for creating this great community.  I have been out of the loop for a bit due to the birth of my second child but I have been trying my hardest to put some time aside to build on what I have started.  This is a great place and I can’t wait until I can talk about my second check and so o