School about to end

Last Update: June 15, 2010

So I started this journey a while back and have been able to have some great success.  Lately it seems that the time I have been able to put aside has gotten smaller.  I sat back for a bit and thought about it and realized that there are many things that are draining my time.  kids, job, school, life….which one could it be???   I decided that this called for a new set of eyes, so I decided to look at what would stop soon. 

Kids….nope not going to stop soon, 

Job… need that at the moment but need to turn up the heat a bit and brake free … 

 Life….no way!   

School…ahha!!  I will be graduating in July…..  There it is!!  YES!!  More time in July…  Excellent!



I will have more time in a few short months (hopefully) 


You never know what the ocean of life will bring you just have to always remember to turn the bow into the waves when they come….

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