2550 Back links Cause Me a Headache

Last Update: June 12, 2012
I started to use Jaaxy. Great tool. And I like to play - so I played with Jaaxy. I let Jaaxy do my website SERPS and found out that my privacy policy site has 2550 back links. I have nothing to do with it - as I made just few of them via digg, FB etc and these are linked to posts, not to Privacy Policy. I am confused.com - don't know what to think about it, don't know when it cam from, don't know if to do something with it or not .... weird. Please help if you know what is all about.
Oh, I found using blog for such questions very useful as I can read answers again in the future - really helpful. Thanks all for advice.

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kyle Premium Plus
You can also check your Google Webmaster Tools (if you don't have this set-up you may want to) to see if this is presenting you with any issues. You can request the removal of these backlinks as well to Google if they are doing more harm than good.
Marad Premium
Thanks Kyle, the thing is that I don't know what they are doing. I have no idea if they are doing harm or good. Have no idea where they come from.. will try some tools offered here and let you know. lol
kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, keep us updated on your findings :)
fishing Premium
I have my privacy policy out ranking any one of my reviews and main page, not sure why this happens but it does......
Apina Premium
You have a site about privacy policies or it is your privacy policy on a site? Have you tested it in Backlinkwatch and Opensiteexplorer and of course Google Webmaster Tools (if the site is registered with it)? They never give the same figures (all about indexing) but might give a better idea.
Marad Premium
Dean I have still the one site about languages, so it is Privacy Policy on my howtolearnlanguage.org I did not tested it anywhere. I just found out in Jaaxy. I don't know why should i test test and do not know what the results mean. Basically I do understand system of back links if you say write post on FB and add link to your web. I have no idea where such number of links could come from, how they can appear there .. seriously no clue - bit of mystery for me. You and other are talking in terms which I do not understand (YET!). So I just find it funny, scary, interesting... that something going on on my site and don't know why ...
Apina Premium
well backlinkwatch and opensiteexplorer show zero, but this is more than likely because they havent indexed your site. Have you signed up to Google Webmaster Tools?
Shawn Martin Premium
Interesting. I have no idea but am keeping an eye on the responses for info, thanks for asking the question!