My little baby web wants to be a dinosaur! Help!

Last Update: May 22, 2012

This is my first blog in WA. I am here second month and really like what I see. And I learn a lot. Not fast enough lol

I would like to ask you my colleagues here for an advice or opinion or probably need just to be sure that I am going the right thing.

So far I have created web. The idea was to create the site with some language learning tips, articles about languages, dictionaries etc - nothing huge and also offer some online courses, dictionaries, etc. Well that WAS the idea. At the moment I have just few posts there and few products, Amazon shop and Google ads. So here we are so far.

BUT what is clearly visible now is that this site cannot be just small site as here we have about hundred of languages - and every learner looks for just his/her one ... and here we have a lots and lots of products to offer from online courses, to language school holidays, presents in different languages, etc etc ETC!

Basically my little baby wants to become a dinosaur and I do not know if to proceed. My thoughts are that yes - I have to built a list of topics and fill it for every language. Why not? probably the practice will show me what works (sells) and what not. And this site will keep me busy for much longer than I thought.

So what do you think? Create or not to create a dinosaur???

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Carson Premium Plus
Marad Premium
Carson thanks a lot for a comment and ideas. Will think about it! I wanted this site more about the process how to learn but you are right. People will look for a tool how to learn Spanish and learning tips would be as a top up - the other way around. :o)
TJ Books Premium
Well, I was going to say what the others said, to narrow your scope. The site could be a real money maker if you forget about making money and instead focus on helping your readers. I suggest that you use AdSense on your pages. That will bring in income. Adding products like those from Amazon is fine. You may want to use the AStore links, one for dictionaries, one for language books, etc. Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability. That means you must decide what you want to achieve, what the readers want and need, and what makes you happy. Have Joy! John
Marad Premium
John thank you for comment. yes, friend of mine told me that the site is nice as I want to help people to learn languages! She got it - hopefully will be more like that! lol Will think deeper what my readers want. :o)
mama2karsten Premium
There is a lot to learn here. I think the 30 day program is more about getting you to commit to taking action because it's impossible to know everything you feel you need to know to start. What I'm finding is the education never stops as this business is constantly evolving. There is no quick road to consistent success... there is a quick road to getting started and putting your foundation in place and fine tuning what works and doesn't work before you have too many customers... You will quickly find what they like and don't like which is what your biz is all about... your customers. Once you fine tune and get your foundation in place, your business can grow exponentially.
Marad Premium
Thank you very much for your comment. Learning will never end! That is what I was looking for! :o) i have to feed my visitors with some stories first lol #lotsofwritinginfrontofme
BIS Premium
Hi Marad.

It will only become a dinosaur if you let it. You decide which languages you are going to offer to start with and add others if and when you are ready. Or you can decide to just serve one tiny bit of the market. It doesn't matter.

What matters is quality content. So start small at a size you can cope and then grow
Apina Premium
I agree with Beverley, start with one maybe two languages and see how it goes, add as you need to. You dont have to put everything one in one go or even at all.
Marad Premium
Hi Beverly, Thanks for reading and for your comment. I know I will finally make up my mind regarding the size of the dinosaur! lol Will start with one language and I will see. Carson is probably right with his advice to built new web for each language. Plenty of time to think about it. Thanks again Beverly, love your blog.
Marad Premium
Hi Dean, Thank you for your support and opinion. I will do that. :o) So I will write about German and German and German .... etc. See you soon in chat.