Google Wonder Wheel gone?

Last Update: September 11, 2010

Many of us like to use the Google Wonder Wheel when researching niche markets, but due to the recent addition of Google Instant it's become a little harder to find.

That's because our browsers default to having Google Instant switched on, and when that's the case the Wonder Wheel function (usually on the left hand side) isn't available.

So making the Wonder Wheel option available again is a simple process:

1) Open up

2) Start searching for your keyword in the usual way but don't press enter.

3)  To the right of the search box a link will appear that says "Instant is on". Click on that link and change it to off.

4) Instant will be removed and search results will be returned for your keyword, and the Google Wonder Wheel option will be available in the left column of your Google search page.

From what I can tell, Google Instant and Google Wonder Wheel are not available at the same time, so by following the info above you can easily choose to switch between the two.




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Devan Premium
Excellent Marcus! Thanks.
Marcus Premium
Hey guys,

Glad to here the info helped!

@bkb2012 - I don't have a tutorial on this actually, but it would be a good idea to put one together I guess.

For those who don't use the Wonder Wheel, I personally use it to dig out long-er tail keywords that I can maybe use in addition to my main keywords.

You simply pop your main niche keyword in there and a whole bunch of potential ideas will open up.

There are many other ways to use it, but that's what I mainly use it for.
bkb2012 Premium
Got it! Viewing Google's content on this wheel...digesting.
Thanks for sharing this news..., bkb2012
bkb2012 Premium
Marcus - Do you have a tutorial on this topic published...or do you have a help guide? I'm familiar with wonder wheels but I did not realize Google had their own version. Makes sense. Running thru these directions. Bkb2012...Barbara.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thank you Marcus. I'm going to try it out today.