Welcome all new members!

Last Update: June 08, 2010

Hey guys,

 I just wanted to pop up a quick post and welcome all the new members who joined over the last few days.

We're a very friendly bunch, so don't be shy in coming forward if you have any questions or need a little direction.

We are here and happy to help you!

All the best on your new venture :)


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markbrig Premium
Hi Marcus, thanks for taking the time to post, I am one of the returnee's (and glad to be as well!) you don't really realise what you had until it's not there anymore! So this time it's full on and get thing's done. Last time I was here I saved the big post you did, it was great, thanks for that mate. Anyway all the best to you Marcus. Sorry one last thing, am I correct in thinking that you live in the UK? Has anyone ever considered a UK gathering of WA'ers or even potential members? Anyway bye for now. Cheers. Mark
AngelinaJames Premium
Thanks for the welcome. Everyone here is so friendly. It's good to have so much support for all of us newbies!
Marcus Premium
Hey Simon!

Great story and VERY interesting business you have there ;)

I'm sure WA is going to work well for you in many ways, so feel free to drop me a line if you fancy a chat. You can reach me here via PM, or send me an email to my usual address. Look forward to seeing how things develop for you here at WA!


simoncowan Premium
I joined under you Marcus so I just wanted to say hi and if you have a spare 2 mins, check out my profile which I've just updated.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Marcus!