Baby Steps

Last Update: December 17, 2009

After MUCH fiip-flopping and playing around with ideas, I think I have found a niche about which I could write and write and write some more!  It's something I LOVE to dream about but have never yet done. It's something that isn't one of those "obvious sellers", but according to the writers here on WA, ANYTHING can sell! And, it's something that I rrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyy need to narrow down! I thought I had narrowed it down quite a bit already, but even just using dmoz and the google wonder wheel has shown me that my niche idea is still WAY too general! 

But, it's a step in the right direction.

This WA University is simply jam-packed with information! That's fabulous, of course, for someone like me who has everything to learn about internet marketing and a mind that is ready to soak up something new.. But, it's still rather abstract to me - it's comparable to learning a new language (albeit one related to English)! The piece of advice that sticks out for me most right now is that I have to get actively doing something... not just researching, reading, and... blogging. 

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Isabelle Premium
Good! Congratulations for finding your first niche :) Go on!
Hope that I can follow you soon