Posts by Martyn01202 35
March 16, 2010
So many people recently seem to be talking about the death of email. I, personally, see the use of email exploding all around me, businesses rely on it, my 5 year old niece sends me email and my friend's 89 year old Grandmother uses to keep in touch with her grandson all the way from Australia. Email is here to stay. In my own business I use email on a daily basis for many different tasks including: - - Keeping in touch with clients and customers - Sending out information updates - Providing a m
How different it was eleven years ago when I first started editing Internet magazines.  We’ve learned to use the technology but it’s not always easy. There was very little on the Internet to get involved with so my magazine was pretty well all offline mail order home business opportunities, networking, MLM, circulars, chain letters, courses, pyramids, and ‘How to’ reports and publications. Everything I get through the mail now (through my front door letterbox) always promotes somet
March 12, 2010
For those who use Skype:  Just type in the words in brackets to see what happens - (bandit) The bandit Skype hidden smiley (bug) The bug Skype hidden smiley (drunk) The drunk Skype hidden smiley (finger) The FU Skype hidden smiley (fubar) The FUBAR Skype hidden smiley (headbang) The headbang Skype hidden smiley (mooning) The mooning Skype hidden smiley (poolparty) The pool party Skype hidden smiley (rock) The rock out Skype hidden smiley (smoking) or (ci) The smoking Skype hidden smiley (h
That’s it, they’ve run out of ideas ... the gurus who promote their wares to us, day in day out, can’t think of anything new anymore.  So, they’ve decided to club together and attack us from all angles. Most of the recent attacks on my email inbox are for business opportunities that end out being from five or six of the high rollers in Internet Marketing. I say ‘end out’ because, initially one doesn’t know that the ‘new’ business is anything to do with any particular
Is it spam email, slow connections, rude people in forums or not being able to find what you’re looking for? Mine at the moment is forms. I fill out a form online with my name address and other details.  Then my account number and any other information they require.  After taking all the time to fill in the form you press ‘send’ or ‘next’ only to be alerted to the fact that an error occurred and you need to try again. On going back to the form it is, of course, blank.  Y
March 10, 2010
I've gotten involved with buying from eBay once again recently, after not bothering with it for a couple of years. I like the idea of buying a ready-made website, uploading it and running it for a profit, so have started placing bids on those promoted on eBay. I must admit to not having a lot of luck yet, though. I bid on a complete AdSense and eBay affiliate website where, although there was a 'Buy it now' button, I bid $10.00 below it.  I was out bid by one bidder who got in seconds bef
March 10, 2010
I’m now using Camtasia and making videos in order to enhance my marketing because, as you know, there are hundreds of promotions on the net right now and they all feature video. Yes, as soon as you arrive at their page, BANG, it makes you jump because your sound volume is high and they don’t always wait for you to press ‘play’ on the video consol. "HI THERE!, WELCOME TO BY BLOG, I’M JED ‘THE GURU’ SAMPSON AND I’M HERE TO SHOW YOU MY LATEST PRODUCT." I hurry to turn the
Let me ask everyone a question .  Which emails do you open first when you see the subject headings displayed in your inbox? I always open those from friends and business acquaintances first and then anything else that catches my eye. Now, I’m not one to complain, as you know but the sort of emails catching my eye lately are bullsh*t headlines that are written just to FOOL me into opening the email and are not really what they seem. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for encouraging pe
This year I’ve been to more seminars on the subject of Internet Marketing than ever before One thing that they all feature is Twitter, and, ‘Can It Make Money For You?’ They all say ‘Yes!’ but it’s not straight forward, you need to do it right ... have some sort of strategy in order to benefit from the way it works and the way it will work for you and your Internet business Coming under the header of social media as it is basically controlled by those who use it, Twitter is feature
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March 09, 2010
‘Be your own boss’ sounds like a cliché when you’ve been involved with Internet marketing for a few years.  But, once it happens and you ditch the day job, it really is a feeling of freedom and, also, when your Internet business really does take off.  You can give it more time for a start and get up or finish your duties when you please.  Yes, you need that discipline in order to make it work but, once you get into the correct routine, you’ll be buzzing while bringing i