About Marymeagan
Joined November 2008
My trade is carpenter,recently divorced,live on my own and loving it,I'm a Facebook addict but only bought my PC in Feb 08 and have learned the basics I think,like to socialize but had to give up sports because of bad knees,I have 3 lovely daughters and 8 great grandkids.
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carolinagirl Premium
Hello there...I saw your picture on someone elses buddy list so I thought I would check out your profile. That's a great picture with your grandchildren. I'm very new at this as well so hope you don't mind being added to my buddy list. Maybe we can help each other out getting started. Good luck!
marymeagan Premium
Hi carilinagirl and thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself to me as I also need help in getting started with WA,this is my third day and I think that I'm slowly getting some of the material to sink in.
Like you I love animals and last year I had to put my beloved 14 year old English Cocker Spaniel (Meagan) down due to being blind and deaf and it broke my heart.
It's great to hear from other newbies which makes me feel a lot less nervous.and thanks again for being on my buddies list maybe we can share a thought or two.
Best of luck to you. : Marymeagan ( Larry )
funjob Premium
Building this business is your new building business! Good Luck.
funjob Premium
Hi There,
It's nice to see that you dabbled in the culture back east, we work hard but also like to play hard and not take the grind too serious. Have fun while working this amazing business!
marymeagan Premium
Hello there funjob,I'm an honorary Newfy when I kissed the Cod and drank the screech then recieved a certificate.
This is my third day with WA and I see there is a lot of material to cover which left me overwhelmed,but it's like anything new to learn is hard at first but with proper guidence you'll eventually see the picture.
Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself and look forward to talking with you again, Good luck to you
gueorgui Premium
Hey marymeagan,

Welcome on board.

Best wishes.

gueorgui Premium
hello marymeagan,

Yes I did the 8 week course and it did show me a diffrent angle on Internet marketing,... another way of doing it...when it comes to PPC and article marketing.

You will get there, if you stick with it.
gueorgui Premium
oh yeah one more thing...we are all different with different capacities, and backgrounds, so it's a question of finding your path and what works for you by utilizing the information provided here.
marymeagan Premium
Hello gueorgui, you have very impressive credentials where as I am like caroxtnez ,a marketing virgin ( I'm a carpenter with my own buissiness and I bought my PC in feb 2008 and have learned a lot of basics then decided to join WA after checking out loads of scam fill online buissinesses and this is day 3 for me and I'm still quite overwhelmed but sticking with it (you probably did the 8 week course in 1 day)
I hope if I come to you for help my questions won't be too silly or stupid .
Thank you for welcoming me to WA and the best of luck to you.
guitar fire Premium
Hi and welcome to WA! Nice picture! I wish you the best as you pursue training here.
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Larry thanks for getting back so fast. You're a hoot if you don't mind my saying so Jimmy Hendrix indeed!
Don't have to be a rocker to have the fire.
I am adding you to my buddy list.
Catch you later,
Sandi...guitar FIRE
guitar fire Premium
Wow,Larry, that was a lot of good useful advice. I will endeavor to put it into action next week. thanks for the help.
That was a big thing when I got here and it seemed like you needed to spend a lot of money to make money.
That will probably fast track people who can afford it but when you can't we have to find another way.
I know Travis is a great guy I have been getting his e-mails for a long time. Do you have a web site yet?
When i tried Squidoo they said I needed one to link my articles to. So that is a big priority now. If i had not signed up for a year I would probably cut and run at this point. Anyway thanks for the offer of help and when it comes to writing articles maybe I can reciprocate. I love to write.
Have a great day,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Larry thanks I appreciate that.
Have you tried the new niche program yet? I have gotten so involved with my life here lately it is real hard to focus and get back on track with WA. This is a problem with signing up for a year instead of monthly.
So you are making money with click bank alone? Great!
Catch you later,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Larry that all sounds great I hope to get some time next week to try this out. Are you doing all this without a web site? I tried Squidoo and after writing the artricle it asked me what url I wanted it sent to I just let it gos as i have no web site created. I have confidence in my ability to write articles once I get past the tech stuff.
If you ever need article help let me know and i will likely contact you later on click bank.
Well I am off to church and the neat bunch of people I help Pastor, have a great day,Sandi
guitar fire Premium
Hi, Larry, I kind of knew this light was gonna dawn in just a matter of time. It is lesson 4 the web building one that I am .stuck in.
The offers you mentioned to make money online have been a huge distraction for me too. Some of them look so good and seem like a faster track which is always appealing. I'm also looking at other areas like medical transcription which has a four month course. Pricey though.
Wouldn't it be cool if we could just say oula and God would reign down on us great, complete web sites!
Oh well...you have a great day, we'll get it figured out, Sandi
guitar fire Premium
Hi Larry,
nice to hear from you I admire your resilience. When the going gets tough my mind wanders to greener pastures.
Unfortunately it has been a bit lengthy this time. I wish all the cookies were put down here on a shelf where I could reach them. It sounds like you are pressing forward and that is good. Have you considered godaddy for your domain names? I love the way they do business.
Take care and likewise keep in touch,
marymeagan Premium
Hi Sandi this is my first day and getting a message from you was inspiring (I thought you were probably a Jimmy Hendrix type by your moniker LOL)
I hope we keep in touch to maybe help each other and others in this new venture.
There are no strangers out there only friends we've never met--don't know who wrote that one. Larry
marymeagan Premium
Hi Sandi, haven't talked to you since I joined WA , like you I had computer problems plus log in problems when I got my PC back which cost me about a month and a half but getting back on track now .
Still frustrating as heck but learning something new everyday, going to have to re-read all the tutorials to get a better grasp on thier meanings to connect the dots.
I admire what you do and any gold I collect will go to feed the hungry children.
Hope you make lots off money soon : marrymeagan ( Larry )
marymeagan Premium
Hi Sandi ,just letting you know I've used Clickbank to start with and got a bunch of good leads from the WA research centre for clickbank , if you haven't tried it then you should because it is very easy to use.
If you have any problems then feel free to contact me . Larry
marymeagan Premium
Hi Sandi , no I haven't made any money with clickbank yet ,it's just my limlted computer skills that took me a while to figure out what to do once I joined up ,I got some forum help and learned how to copy and paste which is what was holding me back from creating links and once I learned this I created about 15 links to sellers websites with my username at the bottom of thier purchase page which gives me 50% of the sale. ( woohoo)
Clickbank says it usually takes about 2 weeks before sales start and in the meantime I'm going to creat more links.
Sandi don't give up ,join Clickbank yourself , It's so easy and totally free (clickbank makes 3% of the sale and me and the seller split 50/50 of the rest .
I'm also going to give Squidoo another shot ( It's also free ) to try and figure it out (article marketing ) it's also supposed to be easy , Then on to figuring Bum marketing (also supposed to be easy )--one down two to go .
These things are more difficult if your not computer savy , but start with clickbank Sandi and PM me if you have any problems and I'll gladly walk you through it ,once you connect the dots ( links ) you'll do summersaults.
marymeagan Premium
Hi again Sandi , Don't worry about Squidoo because your first few attempts are really only practice and learning excersices as the Squido forum affiliates will tell you and they are great help ,my first try got me a rank of 200,000 then a week later it dropped to 107,000 which squidoo says gets better with time , plus they showed my how to improve it which I did. ( so far I've had 10 visitors )
I also did some easy book reviews and to my amazment there was a lot of content added by Amazon and if someone buys this book through my review then I get paid , so try this also it,s so easy.( you can write about anything you can think of ) just fill in the blanks and Amazon will do the rest and your published.
So play around with Squidoo for a while and ask questions in the forum ,they are a great help and there are WA members there to.
Sandi don't quit because you will definetly become inspired when you get some sites out there and you don't need a web site with Sguidoo , Clickbank ,or Bum Marketing.
You say you are good at writting articles then you are ahead of the game at Squidoo because you do a lot of that in your lenses and reviews, so lets make some money ,they only draw back is your articles take longer to be placed or ranked by google from these free sites but whats a couple weeks when it's free.
Paid sites are up and running in a couple of days but you risk loosing money if your web site isn't really well done and this is something you can try later with the great tools at WA .
Today I'm going back to Clickbank and add some more links and then finish my second week of studies with WA ( I'm so far behind in that reguard ) but I thought I would just jump in and get started with these 3 because I'm paying for this coarse and I can do it in my time thank you very much ,and I'm sure by this time next year you and I will be earning some serious coin.
Keep me up to date with your progress : Larry
marymeagan Premium
Hi Sandi,I'm sorry I made a mistake about Clickbank , you do need to link your Clickbank hoplink to a website of your own ,so for me ( back to the drawing board ) , I created about 30 hoplinks and found out the bad news the next day.
I don't have a Web Site yet so I think I'll just keep reading my weekly leasons even though lots of email keeps coming in daily on loads of different techniques to make money that is over my head at the moment but does tend to lure me in. Sorry about the misinformation. Larry
marymeagan Premium
Hi Sandi ,you are not alone as I had to walk away from lesson 4 myself but I am determind to stay with it.
My priolem is with some of the tutorials don't give you clear and concise examples of what they are trying to teach you and take it for granted that you are picking it up, They said that WA gives you free hosting which is superior to other hosting sites and further down they tell you to purchase your domain name from one of these other sites.??????
I've been confused on many issues and had to wait for answes from the forum, but I think that if you and I trudge on to week 8 and then go back and review some of the other lessons we'll get a better view of the whole picture,and if I do start a campaign I sure as heck will get forum approval before I launch it (plus 2 good ebooks I'm thinking of buying after the 8 weeks is BEATING ADWORDS and INSIDE THE LIST) both by KYLE and CARSON,check them out.
Keep in touch Larry
Maz Premium
Hi Larry
Just thought I would come over and say hello to you. Your name had me confused.
Anyway good luck with everything.
Best wishes
Maz Premium
Thanks for adding me as a buddy Larry, I have added you too. One of my grandmothers was called Mary and the other Ann, so I was named Marian. Also I had a welsh terrier called Megan, she was lovely just like a little teddy bear. Lol!
Your family look real nice by the way.
Maz Premium
Hi Larry
I have sent you a pm. Dont worry we will get it sorted out.
marymeagan Premium
Hi again Maz ,yes on all my private messages members call me Mary and I get a chuckle from that ,the reason I chose that name was my deceased mothers name was Mary and my also 1 year deceased English Cocker Spanial dog was named Meagan so I put the two together for ease of remembering and used it here at WA .
I am going to add you to my buddy list ( with your permission of coarse ) and look forward to talking with you again soon.
Marrymeagan ( Larry )
marymeagan Premium
Hi Maz ,You seem to be up on things and I promise I won't be a pest ,but you have been a wonderful help in the past.
I have asked 3 times in the forum ,once at Squidoo and once at Clickbank and in the WA forum I thought I phrased my question in It's simplest form but got the same technical text each time and I still don't know what to do.
At Clickbank I create a hoplink to advertise at Squidoo , my question is How do I transfer this hoplink and add on the /?TID=Squidoo to my lens.
Plus how do I transfer my personal address code retrieved from WA tracking and ID centre to Squidoo were my lens is advertising WA ( I tried copying and pasting and it came up just black and white )
Everyone I've asked so far just keeps instructing me how to make a hoplink then use it at Squidoo ,well how do I get it to go to Squidoo.
I've yelled at these people through my computer while I'm going bald pulling my hair out, or mabe I'm not asking the question properly. I hope you can help. Larry