About Maya
Joined March 2009
I am new at IM but I'm excited about learning new skills and the prospect of making a lot of money online. I love to read and learn every day and enjoy meeting new people. I'm looking forward to making lots of friends in the WA community.
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TJ Books Premium
Hi! Click on my pic to reply. Learn Here! Work Here! Stay Here! Welcome to WA! John
Maya Premium
I'm enjoying the Wealthy Affiliate community. Beside following the 8 Week Action Plan, I'm reading about other members' experiences and postings. At the beginning I panicked a little bit because I felt overwhelmed. But I kept at it and I can say that I'm starting to be clear about which direction I should follow and how to go about it. My next challenge is to apply what I have learn so far and put the pieces together for my first campaign.
Golotia Premium
how's the site coming along.
Golotia Premium
go to my space and look at the top in the area under the menu, there should be a *add to buddy list*
Maya Premium
Still working on the changes to my website. Will probably take me a month...
Maya Premium
How do I add you as a buddy. I forgot how to do it.
MrAlaska Premium
Thats sounds perfect. Welcome to WA!
Maya Premium
Thanks for welcoming me! Wish you lots of success!
Kirst Premium
Hi Maya - cool to meet you
I was also new to IM about 3 months back, but am getting in to it now using Bum marketing methods.
its awesome and sooo stimulating mentally!
Welcome to WA
This is AN AWESOME place to be
Hope you are finding your way around
The HELP button on the left in the BLUE menu bar is especially for getting definitions of new lingo
The MY SHARE has some brilliant tutorials so you wont have to go searching around for HELP beyond WA.
Check out the sticky post in the forum in GENERAL MARKETING SECTION, titled New Members FAQs - its the best post and soo hopeful for as you go along. It will answer MANY questions before you have to ask them on the forum
To reply to any space comment, just click the persons picture. (that took me a while to figure out!)
If you get lost in the 8 week program - never mind - we all do! But stick with it!
all the best and have fun
Kirst Premium
Hello Maya
Have you found a niche yet?
I know what you might be going through and i recently got a revelation!
You can promote WA from ANY angle, just write things on how you got here.
what made you sign up?
start with promoting a product that you KNOW and WA is a great place to start.
check out the super affilaites program
you dont have to promote WA with the make money online kw's - there are so many people in different walks of life - people who are factory workers looking for a new job. think what type of questions they would ask when doing an online search.
just thought i would drop by and say hi!
its been a while
bye and have ag ood weekend
Maya Premium
Thank you Kirst for the welcome. I really appreciated it. I also plan to use Bum Marketing. Right now I'm trying to find a niche and a product to promote. I think I found one and I'm trying to figure out how to find out if it's going to be profitable.
Maya Premium
Hi Kirst,

Thank you for the follow up. I do have a few niches that I'm checking. One of them is related to a passion of mine: spiritual vacations. I have a website that still need some work. Would love to have your feedback. Please visit www.spiritualvacations.net. I have the same goal than you: make $800/month by the end of the year. For the first time I'm really feeling that I will be able to make it. I like your idea of promoting WA from a different angle. I think I have a good one in mind. Thanks a lot!!
