Posts by Maz 4
July 11, 2010
We have had a lot of baby robins in our garden lately and managed to get this clip of 2 baby robins harassing their mother for food.
I have now changed the theme on my partner Richard's photography website I made the header myself with xheader I think the photos look better now.  I have also found some watermarking software and am re-watermarking the photos, but have only done a few so far. Gradually tweaking and trying to improve it all the time.  Plus hopefully we will have some new photos to add soon.  
I have been busy making my partner a photography website. We both love photography and I have been promising him I would make him a website for his photos for ages.  I made him a wordpress website and it took a while to find a suitable theme and find out how to upload the photos and get it working properly.  I tried to find a plugin to watermark the photos, but the only plugin I found didnt work with our theme, so we have used Picasso for the watermarking - not perfect but it will do f
September 22, 2009
I have been busy adding buddies today.  Hmm this is great.  Thank you everyone who has added me - I love you all!