My Very First Blog!

Last Update: July 07, 2012
So here's my very first attempt to blog. Who would have ever thought that about me, an ole cowpoke, have his very own blog!!. It's a bit nerve racking to put myself out there, but what the heck...

I have been on ranches or dairies all my born days and now its time to step out into the World Wide Web-----Blogs, Email, Facebook, Twitter, and so many more. I am at a time in my life to throw myself into a new career. Hope you folks are up for a crazy ride!!

So my wife, Kat, who loves dogs to death!!!! (esp. Great Danes), says she is a skeptic. I took that as a challenge!! Oh how I love a good challenge! So here I am doing something I have never done. And looks like there will be tons more that I have never done!!! Starting with this here blog thing.

I feel like I am talking to myself here.....Oh wait, I kinda am. I am here to learn how to make my wife's love of dogs (esp. Great Danes) and my love of cows be able to pay us somehow..... Looks like a great place here at GA to learn just how to do that. Hope this here thing works....


PS. Ya I know my picture is sideways!!! It's just how I feel most of the time.
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doctorjo Premium
Your tenacity will go a long ways I am sure. Add your sense of humor and others like myself will read your "print". I'm new at attempting this, but first bought "in" back in 2008 and spent quite a bit on monthly debits, but shame on me, never got started. So will be watching you and gain confidence. Tell your wife doctorjo also loves dogs and have had a lovely pair of danes, but due to hip problems don't want anymore as they die too young and break your heart. best success to you
Hudson Premium
Pat, Hi. You have taken the most important first step which is to do something - well done. I am sure I speak for all of us that when we first started this new venture, it was all new. Over time you will find the answers to your questions are all in WA because we have all been there and worked together to make it happen. Good luck and if you need help just ask, Best regards