So day 2 is here...

Last Update: July 09, 2012
I have really enjoyed this site!!! I wouldn't have thought something like this existed. A place where people help people and find new friends. (hey there Labman, Kyle, and that South African dude). I see there are mentor/student relationships all over. The atmosphere here is one of you can do it!! And if you have troubles...just ask. I was surprised to find that founding members of this "University" is on the front lines, interacting, socializing and helping even the newcomers such as myself to feel welcome. And answer any questions.

Looking around, I can see this will not only be fun, but very educational. I like the one quote I saw (sorry I can't remember who said it... If you see this and want recognition, then by all means let me know!!) He said he is proud to be called an Internet Marketing Engineer, or at least something close to that. And the reason he could say that was because of 'The Open Education Project'. I am beginning to see that this is true!!

Thanks be to Labman, who I think will be a great mentor and friend as I take this journey....You READ
my blog? Wow, what kind of person does that? And then He also remembered my name. That has really impressed me!!

I look forward to making new friends and continuing to learn. Yeah, I know... I have a long way to go, but knowing I have people who care and want to help makes it all the better.


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Rea Premium
Stay positive as you learn.. Hope you'll join the OEP. It's the most white-hat, IM learning place, I've ever come across online... Has a vibrant and very giving community too. Good Luck.
georgejhaas Premium
Pat, welcome to the Open Education Project. I have been a member here are WA for over 2 years and like it very much. This community is very helpful. You may be in on the 10-day free offer trial period. I hope after your trial period is over, that you consider becoming a WA member full-time. If you follow their guidelines and techniques, by using their tools, you will become very successful in selling and earning commissions with your websites. Don't forget to check out the WAbinars. There is lots of helpful video training by Jay to help you as well. Good luck as you browse through WA. George
Thanks, George. I am very much considering doing just that very soon. The more I learn, the more I am convinced that this is the system for me.