New Website

Last Update: May 21, 2010

Just finished my new website and hope, that I've learned enough. Feedbacks are welcome!

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DABK Premium
Maureen is right. In addition on the home page: becaome a affiliate should be an affiliate. Did you notice that your Google ads open in the same page. Which means, you lose a heafty sale for a few 2 or 3 or 5 dollars.
I would not have put ads. I'd have used to space to convince prospective buyers to buy. You probably are thinking, if they're not interested in this, maybe they'll be interested in one of Google's ads. What if they were interested but got distracted by an ad?
It's a good site. On the next one, though, get a domain without dashes.
maureenhannan Premium
I'm new to both IM and WA, so others can evaluate more from a pure marketing perspective. BUT, I just wanted to tell you my impressions as an investor, web designer, and writer. Oh, and first things first, congratulations on finishing this site!
1.The site is neat, attractive, and well laid out. You might want to make the font a little bigger, b/c I'm guessing your target audience is Baby Boomers whose eyesight isn't what it used to be.
2. The site has a look of quiet authority to it--it didn't scare me away with hype and blinking headlines, as many of the "louder" trading/investing sites do. Nice restraint!
3. That said, I think you could do a lot to give the copy more "punch." Maybe lead with a headline question to grab the reader instead of "Welcome." Off the top of my head, one that grabbed me recently, "What opportunity will your financial advisor NEVER tell you about?" And your intro copy could have a more active, energetic feel to it. A couple short paragraphs, more white space. Maybe a compelling quote or testimonial set off from the rest of the text smack dab between the two paragraphs.
4. And this is just because I am a conservative investor...but maybe do something to address my nervousness on that page. Testimonials, a quote from a respected financial columnist, something to bring me into my comfort zone and reassure me that it's all on the up and up.
Hope that's helpful. Good luck to you!