My first day at WA

Last Update: November 13, 2010

      Well, I am now celebrating my first 24 hours here on WA.  I worked about 6 hours yesterday on my first wordpress campaign.  I researched a niche, researched keywords, checked the competition, made 2 blog entries, submitted articles to a ton of "DO FOLLOW" sites and optimized the copy for 1-2% keyword density.  I can't help but feel that I am still doing something wrong.  I feel like I am missing something.  I guess I won't really know anything for a few days until my articles are posted.  I think that they may be a little weak as far as content goes, but we will see.  

     I plan on watching the replay for the SEO WAbinar today to see if I can catch some things I might have missed in the action plan and article writing course.  Does anyone else remember how hard it was their first day?  I would love to hear your horror stories.  It might make me feel a little bit better about my weak start. lol.  Well, on to another day of trying to make it happen for me and my family.  I wish you all good luck today, and I will write more about my journey soon.


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jatdebeaune Premium
24 hours? Amazing! Kudos!
Labman_1 Premium
Well, it sounds like you accomplished more in one day than I have in 3 months. Whew, doesn't sound like a weak start to me.
sheilal Premium
Hi Josh, That doesn't like a week start to me, very impressive actually. Your gona go places.
Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA. Best Wishes to You. Also, it looks like you have a great start. I have no comment for that.