About MGTC
Joined December 2008
Hello WA members. I've just joined up with WA and am now feeling my way.
Although I've spent my working life in the advertising industry, I know almost nothing about IM - or computers for that matter. So I'll be looking for a lot of help.
I'm retired and live on a hobby farm in southern Tasmania, Australia. My special interests are outdoor life, my 2 Smithfield dogs, and motor sport (particularly anything to do with MGs - hence my name, MGTC). As I'm now living on a very limited income, my interest in IM is to increase my income level - and hopefully buy another MG.
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Dierks27 Premium
Hello MGTC and welcome to WA!! I am also new to this as I am just getting into my 3rd week. I have spent many hours in front of my computer trying to understand it all! I do have one campaign going, but that is it and thats not doing to great either... I will continue to work hard, and I think if you do the same you will do great! If there is anything I can help you with let me know!! I will do my best to try to help, maybe we can learn from each other!! have a great day and we will see you around!!
learn2earn Premium
Welcome MGTC...we have similiar goals for this endeavor. While I can retire (age) I can't ($$$) so, this IM thing is going to take me, in a year or so, comfortably into retirement with a 3 or 5 series BMW to tootle around town in. So, here's to your MG and my Beemer. Good luck to both (and all) of us.
MGTC Premium
Hi Buddies. As I know so little about IM and being new to WA, anything you can think of to help me along the way would be appreciated. Thanks, in anticipation.
Charlie43 Premium
Love MG's - lets learn this together. Have any pics of the car, or are you hoping to buy one from your affiliate earnings?
Charlie43 Premium
I have never owned an MG, but have always admired them. The closest I have come is a '65 Triumph Spitfire that I bought from a friend who didn't want his wife to get it in a divorce. It was a lovely machine, set up for road racing. I had to completely redo it, including installing a wire harness and putting all things back in place from the stripped down version. I wish I had never sold that car. It handled the road better than any machine I have ever driven, capable of 50 mph square turns as if on rails.

I am here to learn. Us old folks can teach the young ones a great deal, methinks!
MGTC Premium
Hello Charlie, thanks for your message. Yes, I do hope to be successful in IM thru WA, and to fund my next MG. II'm slightly older than you, and in my lifetime have owned three TC's (on of which I rebuilt from bare chassis to completion and somewhat modified ... bored out to 1380cc, larger valves, etc), one Magnette (sedan) and one MGB.
And exactly 50 years ago this year, I started the Melbournre Centre of the English MG Car Club. But enough of the old stuff ... I'd love to work with you in our endeavours to be successful with WA. Please keep me posted on your progress and I'll do the same with mine. Regards, and thanks for making me a buddy. RUSSELL (MGTC)
klrrider Premium
Hi and welcome to WA... what could I say... Larry is a hark act to follow... and he is right! Learn to work the forum... it is the backbone of WA.

click on the pics to reply and get buddies!
klrrider Premium
Thanx for the reply and your request has been accepted... Stay in touch!
MGTC Premium
It was good to receive your welcome message. But even more, I'd like to thank you for making "Newbie Jump Start" available ... it's great. I'd appreciate it if you'd make me one of your buddies.