Posts by Mholland8 2
March 11, 2010
Okay it's been seven days and I have been training to be a wealthy affiliate. So far so good I've had lots of support from my wife and she has actually started to learn as well. I just got done researching 30 niches. I think this has been the best decision I've ever made in my life. Thank you, Kyle, and Carson for creating wealthy affiliate. Here is a little back story on me: this is not my first time doing affiliate marketing you see my friend. (I will not name him for he is well-known on the I
March 05, 2010
I have decided to chronicle my experience through this entire process of becoming a wealthy affiliate. So far my experience has been good I have recieved a lot of good information. I would like to have the step by step guide move alittle faster than what it has. I can only read it so many times along with sending out tons of emails. I believe I have made the right decision to join this program. Well until next time I'm Kike and these are my thoughts.