day seven

Last Update: March 11, 2010

Okay it's been seven days and I have been training to be a wealthy affiliate. So far so good I've had lots of support from my wife and she has actually started to learn as well. I just got done researching 30 niches. I think this has been the best decision I've ever made in my life. Thank you, Kyle, and Carson for creating wealthy affiliate. Here is a little back story on me: this is not my first time doing affiliate marketing you see my friend. (I will not name him for he is well-known on the Internet). You see he promised me that he would teach me how to be an affiliate marketer, but instead he sent me an e-book to buy another e-book. I tried researching it on my own the only problem was I kept running into is that no one wanted to help. They were afraid that if they taught someone how to do it; that they will not make as much money as they used to. So I got to the point where I didn't even want to do it anymore because I could not find out information I needed. So as you can see I came into this a little jaded but I think the jadedness is starting to subside. I look forward to making my first sale. 

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Seedz Of Hope Premium
Yeah maan... We have to create our own path and learn as we discover. Keep up the good work and do give up.

I have added you as a friend and looking forward to staying in touch with you....

Stay focused...
sox1n05 Premium
Hey Man, I think just about ALL of us came here jaded. I know that I came here with not a whole lot of expectations, but was soon taken back by just how much I could learn and accomplish here. Keep up the good attitude! By the way, you have a beautiful family there!