About Mi6rima
Joined August 2012
I am a single mother of two teenage sons, working hard, and putting in extra hours. I do not fully understand internet networking but I am very interested to give it a try. Thank you WA for giving me this opportunity and I am very excited to communicate with other members and share experiences.
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I am a newbie myself and I wish you the best of luck
mi6rima Premium
Thanks jovan
ronamo Premium
-Hi and welcome to WA. All of us here at WA are glad to have you with us and are ready to help you in any way we can. Follow the recommended training and you will succeed. It wont happen overnight, but it will happen. It takes time and commitment.
I am still a newbie at WA myself. I started my training with "Warm Welcome", then "Your first 10 days: and then :Learn how WA works". These can all be found on the lower left side of the main menu under "Recommend Training". Read them and you will find the answers to most of your questions. If you need additional help, go to the training section. Their is nothing but help there. Another place for great information is the "Watch Webinars". There is just so much info here at WA. Make use of it and watch a new world open up to you.
With that said, I want to thank you for the follow.
mi6rima Premium
Thanks Ronamo
TJ Books Premium
Welcome! You can PM me if you can't get an answer on chat. John
jespinola Premium
Welcome to WA. any question let me know
mi6rima Premium
Thanks Jespinola for the follow. I have been hooked to WA since I signed up. I have zero knowledge on internet marketing and everything seems so confusing and overwhelming to me. I am on day 2 of the training and just grasping what it is. Wish me luck, I am determined to make it work
betts Premium
Thank you as well for the following, and welcome to
WA, a tip from me, use the open chat and study the WAbinars and always ask questions!!
mi6rima Premium
Thanks for the advice will definitely ask a lot of questions.