About Betts
Joined May 2012
I went through hell and back, I have been fighting with my x-girl friend about being on the computer so long trying to learn the home-base business. Some people will never understand the freedom that you can have, while working online. I am now single and I have my office now.

Now is time for me to learn this business and be the best I always wanted to be!! No distraction, No drama, just learning as much as I can to be one of the best in internet marketing. I strive for the freedom and the ability to become what I always want to be.

The objective is to Love what you do!! That is more of a success than all of the money in the world. I will see you all!!! Watch and see!!!
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Rea Premium
Thanks for your follow.:-)
betts Premium
Thank you very much as well, and will see you soon in WA!
Thank you for following.
Linda Fedun Premium
Hi Betts and welcome. Having your own time and space is important if you want to succeed. I know the frustrations, people think because you're at home that you're not busy. Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions, blog lots, people respond. That's how I've been learning. I think I should compile my blogs, and call it WA for idiots:)
betts Premium
Thank alot, going through with the web site, still having problem, but will work it out.
betts Premium
I all of you, in my life. One thing that I know is that knowledge is King!!!