About Millcreek
Joined September 2009
Hello Everyone

As you see by the date I have come aboard just today. I have dabbled in online business for several years and don't have anything to show for it. I have finally decided to learn what it is about and hopefully change my MO to something worthwhile. I am here to learn and I welcome any assistance in this undertaking. Hope to be talking with many of you in the near future.
Millcreek's Accomplishments

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albertkang7000 Premium
How are you doing, Mill? Any blog or lens yet? I joined about a month earlier than you. I have been working very hard. Learning everything I can and applying it immediately. So far, I have built up quite a number of blogs and lens. Some of them are bringing in money. Got to learn more and keep moving.
Take care, work hard and God bless.
ErwinF Premium
Welcome to WA!
tt2gold Premium
Hi, Welcome to WA. Like you I have just joined, I too have dabbled in a few online businesses as well. Yes like you, not a lot to show for it as well. And again like you, decided to sign up here, and see learn what I haven't yet been told. Seems we have alot in common already..lol. Hope you're journey here goes well. Try not to get overwhelmed by all the information, take each step one day at a time and we will both succeed. Drop me a line and talk to you soon.
millcreek Premium
Thanks for the note and best of everything to you. This is the real CHANGE for us all.
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey millcreek: How are you man? Here inside WA you'll learn everything about IM. Did you start your program? any question let me know, OK?
Welcome to WA!
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Thanks for your response millcreek.
Keep in touch.
millcreek Premium
Thanks to you. I appreciate the note and look forward to our mutual success. Will talk to later down the line.
Steven.P Premium
hello welcome to wealthy affiliate if you havent done so yet get started with 8 week action plan good luck!
millcreek Premium
Thanks for the good advise T R. I am currently working on it.