About Milt
Joined January 2009
Hi and welcome to my WA space! My background is in direct sales and marketing. I'm a native Floridian whos hobbies include painting, kayaking, biking and, of course IM!!!. A (past) musician that enjoys playing the piano and guitar- just picked up the guitar again after 25 years of a "rest". ;-)> Looking forward to this new opportunity and in learning the in's and out's of internet marketing. Good luck and SUCCESS to all here!
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glowinggal Premium
Cheers and welcome aboard! I have a cello that hasn't been out in about 12 years - might be time to get it out again when I can quit my job!!! (I hope)
Milt Premium
Greeting all at WA! Brand new member (newbie) sorting through all the information...whew!! Just a quick shout out now and to mention that I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better soon.
Milt Premium
Hi glowinggal- this may indeed be the time. A good way to clear ones head after all this information daily. It's good to hear from you and thanks for your note. Take care~