About Mommymoneymaker
Joined February 2009
My Bio

I am a mother of 6 living in the beautiful pacific northwest. I have been a Realtor a Store Manager a Real Estate Investor, Realtor and of course a mommy. Currently I was a sales rep for a home decor company that down sized last year and I was laid off I am now studying to be an internet marketer.

Learning some great stuff on here.
Mommymoneymaker's Accomplishments

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Peeds Premium
Hi fellow WA -- jus thought i d see how my felllow WAers are doin! so hows life goin on the world of IM.
All it takes is time and pressure - Morgan Freeman - Shawshank Redemption
Peeds Premium
hey hows the 8 week plan goin ... cheers have fun
mommymoneymaker Premium
Just wanted to stop by and say Hello to everyone!!!!
mommymoneymaker Premium
Hi Thanks Spokane Wa.
mommymoneymaker Premium
Valerie From Florida. Yes I agree but you get the hang of it let me know if I can help. I will if I can. I have only been here a week myself so it would be the blind leading the blind :)
mommymoneymaker Premium
I have been so busy have not had a chance to interact very much here. I am on week 4 and I have learned a great deal. Just wanted to give a shout out to everyone and Say Hello!
mommymoneymaker Premium
Happy Easter everyone!
MrAlaska Premium
Hi there, which direction you goin in?
APease Premium
Fabulous! With all the RE background, you should do well! I used to do marketing for a realtor and all I could think was that there should be an English-Realtor Dictionary... For example - Handy Man's Paraside = Friggin Dump. Good luck!
mommymoneymaker Premium
Hello and thanks, I honestly have been having trouble coming up with fresh ideas, good idea thanks!
Pillar Premium
How the heck did you find time to be and do all those things and be a Mom of 6? I applaud you. Anyone that has the power to do what you've accomplished can do anything!... Love is all there is... Gary
mommymoneymaker Premium
Hey Gary thanks for the message And yes I am very busy, but glad to be here and very excited to continue learning and accomplish my goals as well!