3 Month Anniversary

Last Update: May 26, 2011

Today is my 3 month anniversary with Wealthy Affiliate and I must say I am disappointed with myself concerning the progresss that I have made thus far.  It has been 3 months and I don't even have my website created which to me is unacceptable.  I know I don't lack ambition or the desire to make this work because I do. 

When I first became a member the first thing I tried to accomplish was becoming familiar with the WA website and all that it had to offer.  I figured how could I be successful if I didn't know how to locate information or know what information was available to me. I am happy to say that I am more comfortable with the portion of my learning but at the same time it is a constant work in process.  My next step was to of course start the training.  I started with the Action Plan which is what was suggested with the daily emails I was receiving. It took me quite a bit of time to find my niche and was not only happy but relieved when I did.  During this time, the Success in 30 Day Club was introduced and that created a little bit of confusion for me.  I wasn't sure if I needed to proceed with the Action Plan or go with the Success in 30 Days Club.  After asking about it on the forum, I decided to switch gears and go with the Success in 30 Days Club.  After working on that for a bit again I questioned myself if what I was doing right and with the help of another member, it was suggested that I work on the Action Plan first being that it is more comprehensive than the Success in 30 Days Club so now I'm back to the Action Plan.

I remember reading one of Kyle's and Carson's emails where they were talking about the 50/50 rule.  Spend 50% of your time reading & researching and spend the other 50% of your time implementing what you have learned.  I realize now that this is what I've been doing wrong right from start.  I've been doing more reading and researching and hardly any implementing.  This is what I need to change!

Starting today, it is my plan to forge full steam ahead with all the tasks in the Action Plan so I can be up and running and putting all of the wonderful information and lessons here at WA to good use.  I am so thankful to have found WA and want nothing more than to be one of those members who can post their success story on the forum.   Wish me luck!  


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muskyblood Premium
Candice - The 50/50 rule is a solid one to try to abide by. Good luck to you as you begin to implement your new skill set! Feel free to PM me anytime if you need anything.
Jamie Smith Premium
First off, it is great to have you in the WA family. That 50/50 balance is a key to success in my opinion. Celebrate how much you have already learned and keep taking action each step of the way towards your goals. When you end up with questions, please feel free to send me a PM, I got your back and so does the WA family around the world.
Hi Candice. As Vicky says don't beat yourself up over your lack of progress. If there is a yardstick against which all online marketers must measure their progress against to determine whether they are making the grade I have yet to see it. Given that you are a mum with a full time job I'm amazed you've found time to make any progress at all. Reading and research is good. I doubt if you will find even one successful online marketer who would say they've stopped reading, researching and learning. The key here is to always be reading/researching with a purpose. I've just read your profile page and noted that "I'm still stuck on finding a niche" comment you made. My immediate thought was your niche is right there in your own words. Now I've had some experience with autism and intellectually challenged patients as a nurse but you've had practical experience as a mother that no doctor or nurse can compete with. You already know first hand the ups and downs, the frustrations, your own coping mechanisms, etc. How many parents out there could benefit from your knowledge? Probably hundreds of thousands. There's your hungry market as Travis (Bum Marketer) Sago would say. Set aside half an hour a day over the next 2-3 weeks to study the topic from a consumers perspective. Google "coping with autism in the family + blog" and "autism books for parents" for starters. That will give you some ideas for website content and monetizing your site. There are plenty of neat people in WA who would be more than happy to guide you through those practical chores. The one thing they can't give you is something you've already got in spades. You write well. You can write from the heart. Your depth of feeling will shine through to your readers. They will know you can relate to their situation and understand because you've already been where they are today. In the end it is YOU who will make the difference. So let me leave you with a little quote to print out and refer to every day. *If the vision is clear and the passion is high, the money will find it’s way to you. ~ Sam Crowley*
veronica.l Premium
Do not be too hard on yourself. You have done alot of reading and research. You have taken action, you are on your way! You are still here at WA :-). So look forward, put an action plan together. If you want to have your website up and running set a date when you want that to happen then break it down in to reachable goals. Have your domain purchased by this date, have your posts written by this date, have your wp blog created this date... Belive me when you have done it ones, it becomes a lot easier.
Let me know if you need help. Best of luck to you! Vicky