Speed Bump

Last Update: June 12, 2011

Right when I thought I was well on my way in the next step of the Action Plan I hit a speed bump.  I was putting together my website through WordPress Express and something went wrong.  When I was creating my website I was so exhausted and actually falling asleep while doing so.  In my very exhausted state, I believe I missed a step of the setup because I never got the page telling me that my site was setup successfully which is covered in Jay's webinar.  Now when I go to a search engine and try to pull up my website and I get this message telling me that I'm on a placeholder page and I'm being told that it will remain there until I remove it and I have no clue how to do that as this step was never covered in the webinar?   Can anyone tell me how to do that?  Can anyone tell me how to access that final page of WordPress Express that gives me all of the confirming information about my website?  At this point I feel like I'm at a standstill because I don't know what to do at this point.

 This is all very frustrating for me but I know I can't give up.  I feel like I have come so far but I know I have so much farther to go.  So many people are successful with Affiliate Marketing and I want to be one of those people.  

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Naganco Premium
Hi Candice,

Here's a suggestion:

1. Go to Tools & Research and Click on Word Press Express
2. Then click on Access Word Press Express
3. Scroll down the page and see if your website shows up
4. If it does, click on View Details to see the next steps

I that doesn't work, you'll have to post in the forum.
So many people are also experiencing hiccups with wordpress so you're not alone. Pop over to forums, read posts under wordpress, ask your questions. Plenty of helpful members over there to see you right. As they say: "Don't sweat the small stuff. It's all small stuff." Cheers, JR