About MoneyMagnet3
Joined June 2008
Hi! My name is Shalisha and I live in New York City. I joined this amazing group, WA, June 21, 2008. I absolutely love it. I put my first website up at the end of June thanks to WA. I have always wanted my own business and now I have it. Some of the things I love: the gym, weight lifting, hot white guys, hot black guys, internet marketing, spending money, clothes shopping on Fifth Avenue.

Shalisha A.
New York City
MoneyMagnet3's Accomplishments

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ranimill Premium
you really hot biz lady...donate you gold for your success.
Anthonie Premium
Hi Shalisha,
I realy don't know how to give you some gold but the fact that you lost that amount of weight resulted in respect on my person. Great job you've done and maybe you can help with my businessGreat job and greatings from Holland.
LouisJ Premium
After reading a few of your posts, I like your positive attitude and your willingness to help.

Keep doin you!

Steven.P Premium
your such a girly girl lol jus playing with yah well i joined almost two months ago i'm loving it myself a few bad pay per click campaigns but i'm ok now well i wish you much more success here and WA and everythng else peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeace!
silverlotus Premium
Welcome to WA Shalisha and Congratulations on your success so far! No doubt joining this organization will be a tremendous advantage to you. If I can be of support please be sure to let me know. Check your post in the forum. I am going to add you to my buddy list.
silverlotus Premium
Hi MoneyMagnet3,
I took a look at your website. My comments are strictly constructive so please take what I say as encouraging. First let me congratulate you again for finding a NICHE market that you are interested in. Now for the actual website...My first impression was that it is not visually balanced. That was enough for me to click off. Now I don't know if you have any influence over the website construction but I think it's fair to say that it needs alot of work. It gives a questionable impression as to the professionalism, ie reliability of it's host..(.by that I mean the contact info.) just because of that one objection. What is the Focus? What are you trying to sell, books or dates or flowers? Why are these women both dead and alive grouped together? Why is there so much blank space on the Home Page? Who is your target market? Would you, as a consumer, buy into that site, based on that click? Would you remember it favorably and return to it? Would you trust it enough to give up your credit card number? You literally have only moments to make your point and get names and emails for follow up with direct marketing. Credibility means everything in this highly questionable world of e-commerce. The perception held by the general pubic is one of caution. As well, when it comes to mingling on the dating scene. Don't panic. Slow down and give yourself a pat on the back for getting all those clicks. That's great. Celebrate the Joy of that accomplishment. I recommend that you contact "robbied" and get the tutorials he has so generously offered. Take the 8 week action plan one step at a time as you become comfortable with the information. Read the Forum. There are lots of great resources recommended which will benefit you. You have got some studying to do and it is going to take some time to absorb it all. It's not fair to treat yourself with impatience or to harbor frustration. You need your energy. You can make some progress every day just by doing those things. You could hire your own personal technical genius to sit with you and walk you thru the process and tutor you individually. You could take courses or workshops locally or online. You can pay someone to do it all for you and to maintain your business. You will succeed! Be patient, consciencious and persistent! You'll be fine. This is a great place to get your plans up and running. Reach out any time.
silverlotus Premium
Hi Shalisha,
Just checking in to see how you are doing today.
silverlotus Premium
Glad to hear you're doing well. I knew you would. Keep it up.
MoneyMagnet3 Premium
Thanks so much for the sincere welcome!! It is soooo overwhelming just reading the Week 1. How long have you been with this WA? I'm frustrated - I just started and launched my website www.hesmadaboutyou.com on Sunday June 22, 2008. I have thus far received 15,049 hits but no sales. What am I doing wrong??? Can you look at my site and give me feedback? I am asking everyone for help on this.
MoneyMagnet3 Premium
Hello, how are you?